Lionel 113 Station AF 4689 Lionel Trolley Ives 1764

About Tinplate Times


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Welcome to Tinplate Times, established in 2003, an online resource focusing on collecting and operating tinplate toy trains and accessories and modern tinplate reproductions. This site will feature articles that focus exclusively on tinplate toy trains and the people who collect and operate them. It will be an independent, free, and non-commercial site whose purpose is informational and intended solely for the enjoyment of hobbyists.

Tinplate Times has been created as an extension of the Standard Gauge Yahoo Group (aka STANDG). If you are not a member of the STANDG discussion list, please feel free to join. Just as for Tinplate Times, there is no membership charge.

Tinplate Times will be updated periodically as new feature articles are completed and added to the site.

Thank you and enjoy Tinplate Times!

Jim Kelly-Evans, TCA 99-49842
Owner and Publisher